01 - Winston Jarrett - Man Of The Ghetto
02 - Jackie Mittoo - Ghetto Organ
03 - Half Pint - One Big Ghetto
04 - Peter Austin - The Ghetto
05 - Cocoa Tea - Children Of The Ghetto
06 - Bob Andy - Ghetto Stays In The Mind
07 - Leroy Smart - Children Of The Ghetto
08 - Gilly Buchanan - Ghetto Youths
09 - Big Joe - In The Ghetto
10 - Jacob Miller - Ghetto On Fire
11 - Delton Screechie - Suffering In The Ghetto
12 - Victor Addis - In The Ghetto
13 - Tapper Zuckie - Living In The Ghetto
14 - Augustus Pablo - Memories Of The Ghetto
15 - Black Council - Ghetto Tribulation
16 - Valentine Brodie - Life In The Ghetto
17 - Erroll Alves - Down In The Ghetto
18 - Hopeton Turner - Living In The Ghetto
OK lets try again!!!!